by tasamadmin | May 1, 2021 | 2009, Strategic Vision Award offered for Statesman
Mahmoud Ahmadi NEJAD ( President of the Islamic Republic of Iran ) He was born in 1956 in Garmsar. He completed his primary and secondary education in Tahran. In 1975, he started to study in the Science and Technology University in Tehran. In 1989, he became a member...
by tasamadmin | Dec 7, 2009 | 2009, Strategic Vision Award offered for Businessman
Ali İsmail SABANCI ( Chairman of Management Board of Pegasus and Izair ) He was born in Adana in 1969. Between 1987 and 1991, he studied economics and political science in Tufts University and completed master education on international finance in Columbia...
by tasamadmin | Dec 7, 2009 | 2009, Strategic Vision Award offered for Politician
Muhsin YAZICIOĞLU ( Ex-President of Great Union Party, Sivas Ex-Deputy ) He was born in Sivas in 1954 and completed his university education at Ankara University. He founded Ülkücü Gençlik Derneği (Association of the Idealist Young) in 1978 and had been...
by tasamadmin | Dec 7, 2009 | 2009, Strategic Vision Award offered for Politician
Meral AKŞENER ( Vice Chairman of TBMM, MHP İstanbul Deputy ) She was born in İzmit in 1956. She graduated from Department of History at Istanbul University and completed her postgraduate education at Marmara University Social Sciences Institution. She worked as...
by tasamadmin | Dec 7, 2009 | 2009, Strategic Vision Award offered for Artist
Tuluyhan UĞURLU ( Musician ) He was born in Istanbul in 1965. When he was 4 yers old, he was accepted to İstanbul Municipality Conservatory Piano Department. He passed the Infant Prodigy Exam organized by state when he was 7 years old and started his high...
by tasamadmin | Dec 5, 2009 | 2009, Strategic Vision Award offered for Journalist - Writer
Gürkan ZENGİN ( Channel 24 ) After graduation from Ankara University Communication Faculty, he started his career as trainee in TRT (Turkey Radio – Television) News Center in Ankara. After apprenticeship period, he has worked as press correspondent, editor and...
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