He was born in Kuşadası-Aydın at 01.03.1937. He finished high education in 1961 from İTÜ Mechanical Engineering Faculty. After serving military in 1961-1963, he had been accepted to İTÜ Institute of Nuclear Energy for MsD. He got his PhD in Nuclear Engineering from The University of Michigan in 1965-1971.
After returning home in 1971 he got a job in Nuclear Engineering Department (NED) of ÇNAEM, TAEK (that is, Çekmece Nuclear Research and Training Center of Turkish Atomic Enerji Comission). During his stay in this research center he held several positions in the managenment, such as Head of Nuclear Engineering Department, deputy director of center, or acting director of center. He retired in 2002 as head of NED.
During his work in ÇNAEM he had conducted researchs and projects on neutron spectrum calculations, neutron diffusion calculations, research reactors core design and criticality calculations, nuclear fuel burnup calculations, nuclear safety analysis, accidents and risk evaluations, dose calculations due to research reactor accidents, research reactors shielding calculations, research reactors kinetic analysis, research reactors cooling calculations and experimental studies, numerical study of cooling channels of TR-2 reactor, calculations of unit energy production costs of nuclear power plants, analysis of energy options in Turkish national grid, study of strenght of mechanical components of TR-2 reactor under design basis earthquake. Several codes were developed during these works, such as: few groups and multidimensional neutron diffusion code (several codes with different speeds), isotope production code, code for research reactors kinetic analysis, code for reactor dose calculation, code for cooling in a channel of research reactors and code for two dimensional temperature distribution for research reactor core, code for numerical fluid dynamics study of narrow channels of research reactors. He has over hundred publications.
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