Anooshirvan MIANDJI (Writer | TOBB-ETU Artificial Intelligence Engineering Faculty Member)
An Iranian Azeri Turk, Dr. Anooshirvan Miandji has been living in Ankara since 1995. After his pharmacy education at Gazi University, he completed his specialization in Pharmaceutical Chemistry (High Honor). Subsequently, also succeeded in obtaining a doctorate degree (High Honor) in History of Science from the Department of Philosophy, DTCF, Ankara University. He studied Philosophy of Science, Critical Thinking and Theory of Knowledge from Oxford University between 2016-2018. He worked as a lecturer at Bilkent University between 2004-2018. He has also printed books in Iran, Turkey and the US. Miandji, who has given seminars and conferences in many universities, schools and organizations, had programs on various TV channels on Philosophy and Science. He still teaches critical thinking at the Artificial Intelligence Engineering department of TOBB-ETU University.
Books he wrote:
Modern Farsi (1994, Iran), Digital Speech Dictionary (1996), Beginner’s Persian (1997, USA), Farsi-English / English-Farsi Concise Dictionary (2003, USA), Atlas of Medicinal Plants (2010), Filtrated Philosophy (2012) , Compounding Pharmacy Recipes (2013), straw man (2015), The Philosopher Oak (2018), Banana Paradise (2018). Wise Flower (2020), Black Goose (2020).
The books of Samed Behrengi translated ( to Turkish):
Little Black Fish (2014), One Peach Thousand Peaches (2014), Tale of Love (2016), Tufted Camel (2016), Pancarcı Child (2017), Ulduz and Talking Baby (2017), Mad Dumrul (2018), Pigeon Bald Boy (2018).
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