Oğuzhan ASILTURK ( Chairman of Saadet Party High Consultation Board )
He had studied civic engineering at Istanbul Technical University and graduated as civic engineer msc. He had worked as a freelance consulting engineer. He had served as National Order Party’s provincial head of Ankara and member of General Administrative Board which was founded in 1970. After the close down of National Order Party; he had worked as the Secretary General of National Salvation Party and served as Party’s group deputy chairman at Grand National Assembly of Turkey. He had served as Member of Parliament from Ankara at the 4th and 5th terms and from Malatya he had served as a MP at the 19th, 20th, 21st. He had also served as Minister of Interior and Minister of Industry and Technology. He had spent one year in custody due to a lawsuit about National Salvation Party but was acquitted. He had been excluded from the politics by the courts for 10 years but this decision was cancelled with Constitution Referendum in 1987. Later; he was elected as the secretary general of Refah Party. After the close down of Refah Party; he had continued his political career in Fazilet Party. After the death of the leader of National View Necmettin Erbakan; he was elected as the chairman of Saadet Party High Consultation Board. He had written a book called: “Strengthening Social Structure”. He is married with 4 children.
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