Lütfü ŞAHSUVAROĞLU ( Journalist )

Lütfü Şahsuvaroğlu was born in Erzurum in 1957. He has continued his primary education at Erzincan, Turhal and Istanbul and he continued his elementary education at Turkol and Ankara.  Then, he graduated from Faculty of Agriculture at Ankara University.

When he was a student, he has issued Journals which are “Genç Arkadaş”, “Hasret”, “Nizam-i Alem” and “Divan Edebiyatı”. In addition to these journals, he also issued a “Hergün” Journal. Sahsuvaroğlu has too many daily journal entries at Ayyıldız, Yeniçağ, Son Çağrı, Gündüz and Yeni Hafta as well as other writings and poems in other newspapers and journals that have been published.

Sahsuvaroğlu has served at Turkey’s Writing Union respectively as follows; being a general secretary, vice president and general president. He also organized Turkic World Poetry Festival.