Kızılay ( Turkey Red Crescent Foundation )

“Hilal-i Ahmer Association” is the old name of foundation which is also known as Turkish Red Crescent. Turkish Red Crescent is such an aid organization that works on the basis of basic principles of International Red Crescent and Red Cross Movement such as humanity, impartiality, neutrality, independence, Voluntary Service, unity and universalism.  Some of Turkish Red Crescent staff work as volunteer and the other part works for salary.  Red Crescent was firstly established with the name of “Osmanlı Yaralı ve Hasta Askerlere Yardım Cemiyeti” in Ottoman Empire in 1868 and renamed as “Türkiye Kızılay Derneği” in 1947. The first president was Marko Paşa who was Greek origin and Ottoman Physician. The current president of this foundation is Ahmet Lütfi AKAR.